Mannesmann Tubes and Pipes for the Hydrogen Energy Transformation
Hydrogen will play a key part in the ongoing transformation of the energy landscape.
Mannesmann has long-term experience with the development and production of pipes and tubes for hydrogen mobility, transport and storage.

Hydrogen Transport
Safe and secure pipelines for the transport of green hydrogen
Hydrogen Cavern Storage
Support with H2-compatible pipes for the conversion and new construction of caverns for storing hydrogen instead of natural gas.
Hydrogen Pipe Storage
Safe and secure storage in pipe storage facilities
Hydrogen Cars
Safe and secure high-pressure lines and tank vessels for hydrogen-powered vehicles. Learn more about H2 tubes for Automotive applications.

Mannesmann Hydrogen Pipe and Tube Technology
In cooperation with Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung, which has a dedicated laboratory for hydrogen research and testing projects, we have deepened our understanding of the material requirements of steel being exposed to hydrogen.
Highly specialized adaptation
Due to intensive research and targeted adjustment of the steels, our pipes have achieved material properties that make them highly suitable for transporting gaseous hydrogen in pipeline infrastructure. Tests with slow strain rates, fatigue tests, and lifespan calculations under hydrogen atmosphere at elevated pressure have shown excellent results for various applications. Mannesmann H2ready® steel pipes are therefore ideal for the transport and storage of hydrogen in pipelines. Numerous research projects are still ongoing to answer additional questions and to find solutions for the most challenging conditions.
Flexible pipeline design
To achieve greater freedom in pipeline design, we offer grades up to X70 (according to API 5L) or L485, going beyond the recommendations of the EIGA guidelines. Suitability for hydrogen atmospheres (e.g., 100 bar, room temperature, 100% pure gaseous H2) is demonstrated upon request in a comparative test for the order. This allows for pipeline routes that were previously economically unfeasible to be realized, even in particularly demanding environmental conditions worldwide.
We have a high number of completed and ongoing projects in the hydrogen transport and storage space.

Customer: Gasunie, NL
Project: HyTransPort Rotterdam
Dimensions: 610 x 11,2 / 13,3 mm
Steel grade: L415ME
Total length: 31.700 m
Tonnage: 5.370 t
Coating / lining: EP/PE
Delivery year: 2022

Gas pipeline 178 (Walle-Wolfsburg) (Germany) | N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, Gasunie Deutschland GmbH
Product: Line pipes for gas and H2
Dimensions: 406,4 x 10,0 / 11,3 / 14,2 mm
Steel grade: L360 NE
Total length: 28,6 km (3.108 t)
Coating / lining: HDPE / Epoxy flow coat
Special features: Partly GRP and UV (Interseal) coated respectively

EWE pipeline of the future | EWE NETZ GmbH
Product: Line pipes for H2
Dimensions: 610,0 x 14,3 / 15,9 / 16,2 mm
Steel grade: L360 NE and L415 ME
Tonnage: 14.300 t
Total length: 73,6 km (approx. 16.500 t)
Coating / lining: PP coating and GRP composite panelling
Special features: App. 15 km with PP coating, 6 mm thick, approximately 1 km GRP coated
WAL (Wilhelmshaven-Anschluss-Leitung) + WAL Il
Product: LNG-Connection Line
Dimensions: 1.016 x 19,6 / 20,3 mm
Steel grade: L415ME and L485ME
Tonnage: 14.300 t
Total length: 28.500 m
Coating / lining: EP/PE EP/PE+GFK
Induction bends: SMGB - 30 pieces
Delivery year: 2022 (WAL) & 2023 (WAL II)

Customer: Gasunie Deutschland
Project: ETL 180 for the LNG-Terminal Brunsbüttel
Medium pipe MLP – 610,0 x 12,5 mm
Jacket pipe: MGR – 813 x 11,8 / 13,2 / 14,8 / 16 mm
induction bends: SMGB - 380 pieces
Steel grade: L485ME
Total length:
MLP - 59.700 m
MGR - 56.600 m
MLP - 14.500 t
MGR - 13.500 t
Coating / lining:EP/PE (GFK)
Delivery year:
MLP - 2022
MGR - 2022/23
SMGB - 2022/23

Customer: Fluxys / Open Grid Europe (OGE)
Project: TENP III
Dimensions: 1.016 x 12,3 / 13,0 mm; 914 x 11,1 / 11,8 mm
Steel grade: L485ME
Total length: 113.032 m (81,7 km 40" / 31,3 km 36")
Tonnage: about 34.000 t
Coating / lining: EP/PE about 1.000 m zus. GFK
Delivery year: 2023